Good Morning Port Loring. Rain has made its appearance and will stay with us for a couple days. But in saying that, we do need it as the lakes are down some, mother nature needs to look after her own and it is pretty dry out there. We humans can’t complain, as we have had our share of nice weather this summer. Winds are calm this morning coming in from the south east. Temperature this morning is at 54 degrees or 12 Celsius. Will stay in the low 60’s pretty much all day. Still not to bad out there temperature wise. Barometer has been falling and is still falling slowly. Sitting now at 28.85 in Hg. Fishing & hunting if you are able to get out there will be good from 2:11 PM till 4:11 PM then again from 7:08 PM till 8:08 PM. I give it today a three star average, out of five.
The moon will Rise: 7:02 PM & Set: 9:11 AM. It will be Overhead: 1:48 AM
Underfoot: 2:11 PM.
Moon Phase is 98% Waning Gibbous
The sun we didn’t see this morning here in Port Loring, but it did rise behind the clouds at; 7:32 AM and it will set at: 6:36 PM.
No matter what the weather here in Port Loring, it still is one of the best places to be.