Good morning. Well not a bad day out there a bit of sunshine is breaking through and temperatures are not as cold. At the moment it is 18 degrees F out there. Daytime temperature is going to reach 32 °f through out the day and then later on drop to 10 °f . Barometer is holding steady 30.00 in Hg. Winds are from the South coming in at at around 10 MPH. The moon will Rise: 12:55 AM & Set: 11:18 AM. It will be Overhead: 6:12 AM & Underfoot: 6:39 PM. Moon Phase today is
50% Last Quarter. The sun rose this morning at 7:56 AM & will Set: 5:01 PM, giving us here in Port Loring, 9 hrs. 05 mins of daylight. If you have been watching this you will see as of today we gain two minutes of daylight a day instead of one minute. For the ice fishermen out there the old weather stick says the best times today will be from 11:18 AM – 12:18 PM then again from 6:39 PM – 8:39 PM. Average Day For Fishing.
News For Port Loring
Nothing really to report. Quiet around town. Enjoy your day my friends.