Natural Bug Spray Safe & Easily Made

With Spring closing in on us, I know there are a lot of folks just itchin to get outside in their gardens.  Myself included.  I like winter as nature does, a time of rest but I like the warmer weather better.  Last year I had a lot of folks ask me about a natural bug spray.  Here is a very good recipe that I am sure will help your plants stand up to them pesky pests along with a few that like the indoors also.  Take a look

You can make your own organic bug spray from kitchen leftovers! Simply save your onion skins, peels and ends then refrigerate in an empty margarine-sized tub or ziplock bag until the container is full. Once you have enough, place the onion pieces in a pail and fill with warm water. Soak for a few days, up to a week. You can keep this on the patio in the sun to steep but this is optional. After one week, strain the onion bits out and store the onion water in spray bottles.

Bury the onion bits around plants that are prone to aphids, spiders and other pests. Just spray both house and garden plants with the water to fight aphids and pests. You can also mix your garlic trimmings in with the onion pieces, bugs hate garlic too!

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