Good morning. Well nice looking day out there. Cooler with out the humidity and looks like some sunshine heading our way. Variable cloudiness with a brief shower or two is the exact forecast for today. For all your weather information click on Port Loring’s Weather Station Located at 11588 HWY 522. Click here; Port Loring Weather Station
For those wanting to do some fishing today the old weather stick says the best times to be out there will be from, 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM. Then again from 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM. We will have 14 hrs. 46 mins. of daylight today.
Port Loring Information
Not much to report here today. Great day for getting outside and soaking up some sunshine. Which I will do along with mowing our grass. Seems always something to do around the old homestead. But it is OK with me as it keeps me active and fit. Great to be able to do it. Enjoy your day my firends.