Morning. Well nice looking day out there. Coat is needed if going out but fresh air is all around us. For all your weather information you can click here...
For those wanting to do some deer hunting today, the old weather stick says the best times to be out there will be from…8:30 AM – 9:30 AM then again from..2:00 PM- 4:00 PM/. Should be a pretty good day I give it a two buck rating out of four.
News For Port Loring
Quiet as usual around town. Folks are gearing up though for Black Friday, biggest shopping day before Christmas in the USA. Some would like you to believe it hasn’t come to Canada but it doesn’t take much looking around to see that they are wrong and it is here. I for one do most of my shopping when it arrives and have found one can get more deals then than on Boxing Day. But to each their own I always say. Good prices I take advantage of. Have a great day my friends and stay safe if out hunting or anywhere for that matter.