What’s Happening Here In Port Loring Ontario

Good morning. Well cloudy day waking up, with rain most the day yesterday and all through the night. We had 16 mm of rain.  So thinking Mother Natures has served her critters and planet well.  Also giving my gardens a needed drink.   Waking up temperatures were sitting at;  17.1 C | 62.78 F.

Forecast For Today: Changeable, mending with clouds giving way to some sun.  Then the rest of the week is looking good with lots of sunshine and warm temperatures thrown in for good measure.

Bug Report:   Lots of mosquitoes out there annoying folks to say the least.  Come right inside with you when entering the house.  I believe there is nothing worse than having a couple buzzing around ones head in the night while trying to sleep.  You just know what is about to happen.  Plays on a fellows nerves you could say.  Ah well, if that is all I have to worry about, thinking I am  doing quite well.  Just the same wouldn’t hurt my feelings if them suckers moved on to another place in time.

Fishing Times;   Well the old weather stick is saying the best times to be out there today will be from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.  Then once again from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM.  I give it a 1 fish rating out of 4.  Tomorrow things will start to change for the better.  Good luck.

Around Town:  Quiet for most parts but there are a few venturing into new projects I see as driving down the highway.  Few new homes in the area and lots of construction being the norm for our area.   Went to North Bay yesterday do visit my son Karl who works at NORAD.   Had a great evening and supper there in town, with him taking us out for Father’s Day.  Picked up a couple weeks of groceries and headed on back home.  Being late in the evening it was getting dark and you know…. I have to say here that them road signs are a down right pain for blinding folks while driving at night. When the lights hit them it takes your mind off what you should be looking at, blinding you of what lies ahead.  They should tone that reflector paint down a touch in all sincerity. One of these days someone will get in an accident.  It takes ones eyes a bit to recover after passing each one.  The big yellow ones is my meaning, that shows curves and things.  The rest are fine.  At any rate….food for thought you could say.  Have a great day my friends, heading to have a cup of dandelion tea.  Just dug one up and my lovely wife made us a healthy delicious drink.  Free for the taking one could say.  No doctors needed if you know how to look after yourself.  GW

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