Port Loring Weather, FIshing Times & Information

Good Morning:   Well weather wise it is looking like things will improve as the day moves forward.  Yesterday we had a whopping’  12 mm of rain fall throughout the day.  There is no shortage of moisture in our district let me tell you.  Temperatures this morning waking up were sitting at 13.9 C | 57.02 F.

Forecast For Today:    Fairly fine, possible showers early.  Then satisfyingly nice with a blend of sun and clouds for the rest of the day.

Bug Report:   In spite of all the cold, wet weather…we still have a few mosquitoes irritating folks, but not so much as to say one can’t get out and enjoy what is left of summer.

Fishing Times:   Today taking everything into consideration the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from…7:30 AM – 9:30 AM.  Then again a bit later on from 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM.  I give it a 2 fish rating out of 4 for catching them today.  Things will begin to improve as the week moves forward.

Around Town:   Our Cornfest is impending on us as I type.  For all the information relating to this event click on flyer below.  ltss-0362  Also remember Trash and Treasures, a great store to pick up those items of choice, is still open and will be for the next two weeks.  For all those details click that flyer below also. Doris a very good friend of ours dropped by yesterday for a visit and said the store has been doing quite well this season.  Great lady for sure and does so much…as does the other volunteers working at the store.  One has to appreciate all that they do and if in the neighbourhood why not drop by and let them know just how much.  Enjoy your day my friends. ltss-0356





In Closing, I Would Like To Wish You Well.
For Those That Would Like To Get In Touch With Me, You Can reach me at;
[email protected]

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