Happenings In & Around Port Loring Ontario Canada

Good Morning: Well cool morning waking with temperatures sitting at -1.8 C | 28.76 F.

Forecast For Today:  Occasional snow, worsening with possibly some freezing rain continuing on into tonight and tomorrow. Couple not so good looking days entering into the picture.

Highway Report:  Highway 522 at this time is bare and dry.  Could change later on this afternoon.

Snow Report:  No snow accumulations over night.

Ice Fishing Times:  This morning the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.  Then again a bit later from 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM.  I give it a 5 fish rating out of 5 for catching a few.  Should be a good day.  Good Luck!

Around Town:  Few cars moving up and down the highway this morning.  Good to see folks out and about for a change.  Warm weather and sunshine has a way of bringing out the best in people.  For most any-ways.

Tea time here.  Rose petals are steeping as I type.


2 tbs of rose petals
1 cup of water
Drop petals in hot water and let steep for 10 minutes
Strain and drink.
Organic Sweetener can be added for taste. (No White Sugar) Why? Depletes all the goodness that is in the petals.

This tea helps with numerous health related problems. It also helps with restoring the skin back to what it was in your teens.   On top of that it tastes good too.  What could be better.  Remember though never use the petals from roses that have been sprayed with chemicals of any kind.  Most store bought roses and garden roses have been sprayed with something.  Do not use.   I only recommend wild roses in good locations. Enjoy your day.  You can reach me George Walters at gw@keepingnote

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