Happenings In & Around Port Loring Ontario Canada

Good Morning:  And a fine morning it is.  Temperatures waking up were sitting at 1.9 C | 35.42 F

Forecast For Today: Changeable, mending.  Should see lots of sunshine along with some really warm temperatures moving into our area. They could rise as high as 15c/ 62 F today.  Will remain warm for the next few days.  This if fine with me.

Highway Report:  Highway 522 is bare and dry throughout and great to travel on.

Snow Report:  No accumulations over night.

Around Town:  See the seagulls are back for the year, they visited us yesterday along with the robins and red wing black birds.  Great to see them after such a cold snowy winter.  Our snow drops are up in full force showing off, nice to see them too.  Other flowers are starting to push up through the hard ground and I am sure they will be looking nice in a few days.  I am especially happy the air is getting warmer along with the sunshine.  It is what is needed for us to stay healthy and bring things back to a normal state. Spring is a time of rebirth, most is new starting out, learning and wanting to do new things.  We could learn a lot by just watching.   Been watching the Masters Golf for the past three days.  It comes to a close after today. It is live on Global TV for those that are interested starting at around 2:00 PM this afternoon.  Great event this year and I would have to say one of the best.  So many players using their skills to their utmost…to win.  Tea time here and then will see what the day has in store, exciting really. Enjoy your day.  You can reach me George Walters at [email protected]

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