Good Morning: Waking up to clouds this morning here in Port Loring. Temperatures were sitting at 8.9 C | 48.02 F. Will warm up as the day moves forward.
Forecast For Today: Mostly cloudy with a few sunny breaks here and there. We could have a light shower later on this afternoon and into tonight. Tomorrow we could see highs of 20 C / 70 F and might even get a touch warmer than that on Sunday. Showers though will acompany the warm temperatures in certain areas.
Bug Report; Blackflies are making an appreance in certain areas. Spotty at the moment. The warmer weather will bring them on in full force for the weekend.
Highway Report: Highway 522 is bare and dry at the moment. Care should be taken if out and about with the deer crossing the roads. Also one should keep an eye open for turtles, I notice a few slowly making their way across the highway, which in turn can be quite dangerous for them. If you see something black the size of a small basebal cap, chances are it is a turtle. Hopfully you see them in time to slow down and go around them.
Around Town: Other than a few cars and trucks moving up and down the highway things are quite quiet. Things will pick up tomorrow, being the long weekend. Tea time here, English Breakfast is on the menu. Have a great day and stay safe. You can reach George Walters at [email protected]