Good Morning. Cool morning waking up. Temperatures were sitting at 2.4 C | 36.32 F.
Forecast For Today: Fairly fine, possible showers early. Cold temperatures will remain with us for today and into tomorrow. Sunshine will be in abundance though. Temperatures will rise to around 10 C / 50 F later on. We could see some frost once again tonight with temperatures dropping to the freezing mark.
Bug Report: Blackflies are entertaining us these days. I suspect a few folks have a few itchy sections that is needing attention. Mosquitoes are starting to show themselves also. So summer is closing in on us.
Highway Report: Deer, moose and other critters are moving around on the Highways these days trying to escape the insects. Care should be taken if out and about. Highway 522 is bare an dry from east to west. Travelling will be good for those wanting to venture out to places of choice.
Fishing Information: Today the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM. Then again a bit later on from 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM. I give it a 3 fish rating out of 5 for catching a few. Winds this morning are coming in from the north at around 7 MPH. Wind is very cold.
Around Town: Well with these cold temperatures upon us I am happy I got most of my outside work done up. Now can sit back and enjoy the fruits of the vine so to speak. Also glad I waited in my planting. Thinking after the weekend would be a good time to plant the gardens. Going to keep an eye on things. Been a year of watching nature in hopes she reveals what she is going to do. She has her own way of doing things in spite of us humans. To her we are a speck of sand to be dealt with as she chooses. So I am of for my morning tea. Fresh Dandelion is on the menu for this morning. Like to take advantage of the new growth. Make it a good day. You can reach George Walters if you so wish at [email protected]