Happenings In And Around Port Loring Ontario

Good Morning: Waking up things were a bit cool temperatures were sitting at 10.9 C | 51.62 F.

 Forecast For Today: Rather unsettled clearing later. Should see some warmer temperatures with some sunshine later on as the day moves forward.

Bug Report:  Lots of Blackflies and Skeeter’s these days annoying folks.

Highway Report. Highway is bare and dry.  Great travelling weather.

Fishing Report:  This morning the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 7:30 AM  – 10:00 AM.  Then once again a bit later from 12:00 PM- 3:00 PM.  I give it a two fish rating out of 5 for catching a few.  Winds this morning are calm coming in from the North North West.  Good Luck.

Around Town.  Have a few announcements here this morning for you to look at.  First the United Church is having a Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction.  It is their 90th anniversary at St Andrews.  The date is August 6/2015 and it will cost $10.00. 

Also the Lion’s Den will be having a Breakfast and a Bake sale on July 22/2015.  All is welcome.

There will also be a Pot Luck, Evening at St. Paul’s, June 14/2015  at 5:00 PM.

I would also like to mention once again for those that have any announcements feel free to send them to me and I will see that they get onto the Blog here for all to see.

Finally The Farmers Market is gearing up for another year.  All information is on the flyer below.   Click Flyer to enlarge for better viewing.  Have a great day.  You can reach George Walters at [email protected]

Argyle Farmers Market Information



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