Port Loring Ontario (Morning Chat September 1)

Good Morning:  Well cloudy wet morning here in Port Loring.  Temperatures though were not so bad sitting at 8.3 C | 46.94 F.

Forecast For Sunday:  Stormy, much rain, clearing later on this afternoon with some sunshine tomorrow. Temperatures will warm up quite a bit.

Highway Report:  Highway 522 is wet this morning with the rain we been having.  Few deer moving about so care should be taken.  Travelling will be good today.

Pain Related To Weather:  Today the weather could possibly bother those with joint pain.

Hunting Information:  This morning the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there will be from 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM.  Then later on from 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM.  It will be a pretty good day for hunting.  I give it a 3 out of 5 rating for seeing a few.  Good Luck!

Around Town:  Not to much happening. Wet day so some inside work will come into play.  Tomorrow is the first day of hunting season for our area so lots will be out browsing around in the bushes.  So care should be taken.  On the bright side so to speak the sun should  make an appearance.  Will be a great day to soak up some of that sunshine.  Better than any flu shot to say the least.  Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the benefits it offers.  With that enjoy your day and stay safe.





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