George’s Daily Post Nov. 18

Good Morning: Cloudy day here in Port Loring Ontario. Waking up temperatures were sitting at 8.9 C | 48.02 F.  Forecast for today is saying it will be stormy, much rain. Great day to get some inside work done up.  Myself I kind of enjoy these days.

Pain, Colds & Flu’s Related To Weather:  Today the weather will be a concern to those suffering with body aches and pains (rheumatism)  On the flip side the weather will keep most colds and flu’s at bay today.  Still no excuse not wash your hands if out visiting, shopping or ?.  If folks did just that after going somewhere, colds and flu’s would be cut in half.  Also over the years I have kept most colds and flu’s at bay by simply not touching my face with my hands.  Good practice to get into.  Also one last thing. If your sick stay at home!!!

Hunting Times:  Today won’t be the greatest for those wanting to do some hunting.  I give it a 2 Buck Rating out of 5 for seeing a few.   Times to be out there will be from 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM.  Then a bit later on from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM.  Good Luck!

Highway Report:  Highway 522 is bare but a bit wet and slick in certain areas throughout.  Occasional deer or moose are also making their way across.  Travelling will be good today for most parts.

Around Town:  Things are quiet.  Hardly a car moving up or down the highway this morning.  Thinking I will get into writing up a few stories on this fine Wednesday morning.  Seems the urge hits and has to be done.  With that will head off for my morning tea. Red Rose this morning for a change.  Change is good.  Enjoy your day and stay safe.

Inquiries:  [email protected]

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