Good Morning Port Loring Feb. 1/2016

Good Morning:  Nice looking day here in Port Loring Ontario.  Waking up temperatures were sitting at -2.1 C | 28.22 F.   Great day to soak up some sunshine and breath in some fresh northern air.  Do that and no Flu Shot Needed.

Forecast For Today:  Might see some sunshine early in the day with temperatures warming up only a couple degrees from what it is now.   Great looking day with the sun coming up in the east.  You know my wife and I enjoy the sun rises more than the sunsets.  We go out of our way to find places that we can set and watch it break into a new day.

Snow Report:  Had about one inch last night with a total of around 1  foot on the ground in total.   Lot of melting took place yesterday.

Fishing Report:  Well with hunting behind us I see folks out on the ice doing a bit of fishing.  Today the old weather stick along with gathered data taken from our very own weather station right here in Port Loring is saying that the best times to be out there with pole in hand will be from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM.  Then once again from 3:00 PM – 6:30 PM.  Not the greatest day for fishing but in saying that I give it a 2 fish rating out of 5.  One just never knows.

Aches and Pains Due To Weather.  Today there is a risk that the weather could cause a few pains.  So care should be taken.   Colder weather will be back with us later on in the week which in turn will help fight off all them flu and cold germs that are being spread around.  If sick my friends stay home.  Then once better build up your immunities naturally.

Around Town:  Myself I just been getting things back in order after our trip to Florida.  Got some painting to do then will get on with making my Native American Flutes for the year.  I like to have around 50 or so on hand come summer.  My wife she is busy painting up a few items of choice which will also be available at her art studio come spring.  So, yep we are keeping busy.  Busy but not in the sense of the word of it being a chore, as it isn’t.  We are doing things we enjoy.  Huge difference.  No better place to do this than right here in Port Loring Ontario Canada.  Enjoy your day my friends.  GW

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