Information For Port Loring Ontario July 21/2016

Good Morning:   Nice day here in Port Loring Ontario other than being quite warm.  Knowing that it would be a good day to find a cool place and take in what nature has to offer.  Yesterday I finished up two bird feeders which turned out nice. Will hang one up later today for my feathered friends.  Thinking I might dig my garlic today and hang it to dry.  Sure is tasty and will be even nicer come winter. Enjoy your day and stay cool.

Weather Forecast Sunny this morning then becoming cloudy and getting hot. There are heat warnings up for our area and surrounding areas.  Along with that we could see some strong thunderstorms later today and into tonight.

Rain Accumulations:  No Rain Overnight.

Bug Report: Great to sit outside without being annoyed by them pesky critters.

Fishing Report Today the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there with pole in hand, will be from 3:30 PM – 8:00 PM.  I give it a 4 fish rating out of 5 for catching a few. Thinking, live bait today will be the best. For some great bait visit Gohm’s Bait & Tackle Located at 18B Davis Dr. Port Loring, ON, Canada. Phone 705-757-2620. Tell them George Walters sent ya. ‘You won’t find any better.’ Good Luck!

Highway Report:  Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning. Great day to head off to town.

Todays Currency:

USA 1.3064261460

Canada 0.7654470198

Time to light the camp fire: 7:01 PM.

  • Moonrise: 9:59 PM
  • Moonset: 8:52 AM
  • Sunrise: 5:51 AM
  • Sunset: 9:01 PM

Contact Information:  [email protected]



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