Information For Port Loring Ontario August 14/2016

Good Morning:  Boy  summer is moving along so quickly. Here it is the middle of August.  Been a very busy summer for my wife and I. From taking down trees, piling firewood to building and repairing things along with taking care of customers coming into our small store. Still, lots to do but when all said and done will make a great improvement to our place of enjoyment. Got my firewood in for winter and will get to piling next years shortly. On another note the gardens have done well in-spite of the dry weather we been having. Tomatoes are about ready to be done up along with cucumbers. Wife has been steadily preserving and drying things for winter. Herbs and spices are also all done up which will keep us fit.     Great feeling knowing that one will be warm and well-fed in the cold winter days which isn’t to far off.  With that enjoy your day.

Weather Forecast: Going to be boiling today and tomorrow. Great day to do some front porch sittin’ with a cool drink.  If work is necessary get it done in  the mornings and relax in the afternoons. Isn’t it enough to sit, relax taking in Nature without having to complicate things with man-made entities.  Enjoy your day.

Rain Accumulations:  No Rain Overnight.

Bug Report: With this heat it has been a great year for no bugs. One can even sit outside at nights without being bothered. Just the way I like it.

Fishing Report Today the old weather stick is saying that the best times to be out there with pole in hand, will be from 8:00 AM – 10:30 AM. Then again later from 4:00 PM till 7:00 PM. I give it a 4 fish rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!

For all your fishing needs visit Gohm’s Bait & Tackle located at, 18B Davis Dr. Port Loring, ON, Canada. Phone 705-757-2620. Good Luck!

Highway Report:  Highway 522 is bare and dry. Great day to head on off to North Bay for supplies. Can’t beat the scenery along the way.

Today’s Currency:

USA 1.3137398450

Canada 0.7611857125

Time to light the camp fire: 6:35PM.

Sunrise 6:14 AM with 14:21 of sunlight, then sets at 8:35 PM

Moon rise 2:05 PM with 10:24 of moonlight, then sets at 12:29 AM

msoWeather Station

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