Good Morning

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Another beauty of a day here in Port Loring Ontario Canada.  Sun is shinning with a slight breeze.  Which makes it nice.  Shadows from the trees sure make things look inviting to say the least.

No rain in the forecast for a week or so it says.  That will be nice if true.

I took a picture of a welcome sign out front of our home..  They are painted by my lovely wife who is an artist.  I can’t begin to remember how many signs she has painted for folks over the year or how many paintings she has brought to life.   The sign sells for $150.00 with what ever you would like on it.  Within reason of course.  The wood I saved from a hundred year old tree that I had to take down this spring. Great piece that can be set anywhere. Ours is at the end of the driveway.

With that heading out to the front porch to soak up some of that morning sunshine.  Then we will see where the day takes us.  Just never know what lies ahead.

Have a great day!


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