Well a gloomy day waking up but it isn’t that cold outside. At the time of getting out of bed temperatures were sitting at -3.8 C | 25.16 F There is a warning up stating that: Freezing rain will begin early this afternoon. Several hours of freezing rain are expected before it ends later this afternoon or this evening. Then expect cooler weather for tomorrow. We should see some sunshine tomorrow. Highway 522 is partially bare but you can expect some icy sections throughout. The highway could get quite bad later on so it might be a good idea to stay home today. On another note I did manage to get our driveway cleaned out yesterday and raked the roof a bit. Might help some with the melting today. Other than that I don’t have anything else to report at this time. Have a great day and be careful if your out and about. GW
Good Morning George. Did you ever find anything interesting in those old Trout Creek Lumber Co papers I dropped off a few years ago?
Good Morning Jamie nice to hear from you. Yes I found lots of information that I turned into stories for my columns. It’s nice to see what happened many years ago. If you ever come upon some maps of the area let me know, or anything from the old days. I am always interested in them things. Hope you are well. Have a great day. GW