Good Morning Port Loring

Well another great looking day. Sun is shinning once again and temperatures are warming up. Waking up they were sitting at 4.3 C | 39.74 F A touch cool but will warm up as the day moves forward. Yesterday I did get some of my equipment running and also managed to roll the front yard. Makes things a lot nicer for mowing and walking. My wife got our small store all set up so it is ready to go. So getting things done. Today I will work on some more equipment like my tiller then in the afternoon do some front porch sitting and take in some sunshine as tomorrow we are back to cloudy conditions and a bit of rain. Just what we need, hmm. With that I am off for my morning coffee with my lovely wife. Great day for travelling if need be. Highway 522 is bare and dry. Bit more traffic too with folks easing their way back into our area. Won’t be long and our population will triple. GW

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