Good Morning Port Loring

Sunny day waking up. Temperatures aren’t as warm as it was yesterday, which is fine by me. At the time of this post it was sitting at 20.9 C | 69.62 F. It will climb a wee bit as the day progresses. We do have a light breeze coming in from the North East. Other than a few horse flies and deer flies things are pretty good in the bug section of things. I don’t see much rain for the next five days, so I guess I will have to do some watering myself in the vegetable gardens. Tomatoes are coming along but will be a couple weeks late compared to last year. Everything else though is about the same. I did dig some garlic yesterday for a taste. It tasted great but it isn’t quite ready to dig and dry for winter yet. With that I am off to my shop to work on a few orders. GW

Now you know the rest of the story.

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