Good Morning Port Loring

Another hot one is in store for us today. The sun was with us waking up and will continue for most of the day … and will stay with us all week. The hot weather should ease off after today a wee bit. Which will make things nice for all those vacationers. Temperatures were nice through the night but are rising as I type. At the moment they are sitting at 22.8 C | 73.04 F. Might pay to take it a bit easy today. At least that is what I intend to do. I do have some work to do for a few magazines I write for so will probably work on them. Even with the heat I am happy to say our small gift shop has been quite busy. It was hard there for a while keeping up with our orders. Not complaining mind ya. My Flutes and our books are in demand as well. On another note the black flies are pretty much gone and the mosquitoes are easing off. The horse flies are another story as they love the heat and when they find you it’s hard to get away from them. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and bug my lovely wife for a bit. GW

And she makes great coffee too.

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