A few clouds waking up here in Port Loring Ontario Canada. Temperatures were sitting at 16.6 C | 61.88 F. We will see more sunshine as the day progresses. Actually it will be a really nice day all way round. Black flies are all but gone, the mosquitoes are still with us. But this dry warm weather takes a toll on them. Today I will finish up some small orders for folks then I am thinking some front – porch sittin’ is the thing to do. It’s hard not to take advantage of this nice weather. I also have to water my vegetables as it is quite dry. The old saying is: You have to give to get. Seems that is correct in some ways. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and let the day unfold around me. GW
Fishing Times For Today
Good Times
11:00 AM-2:00 PM
Slower Times
7:00PM-9:00 PM
I give it a 3 star rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good Luck!