Morning Report Aug. 25/19

What can I say? Other than another great looking day. Temperatures did get a wee bit cooler last night. But it is a sign of what lies ahead. Waking up they were sitting at 8.9 C | 48.02 F. Nice day to do just about anything a person wants to do. Winds are light coming in from the North East. Today I will do some front porch sitting with my lovely wife for a bit, then maybe I will see about washing the car. If the urge keeps on going, I might even put a coat of wax on the old feller. My wife named our car, Chase. Actually years ago most farmers named their implements, tractors and of course their horses. Just a natural thing to do. Today they kind of frown at you. To each, their own, I say. With that I am off for my morning coffee and will see what the day has in store for me on her terms. A person can make plans, but you can’t plan the results. Old wisdom, my Dad used to say. Have a great day.

Fishing Times


Good Times
9:00 AM-12:00 AM

Slow Times
4:00 PM-7:00 PM

Today fishing will be so, so. I give it a 2-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. If the winds shift from the east things will improve. Good Luck! Stay Safe.

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