Morning Report SEP 19/19

Nice looking day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. For a change we have sunshine, which makes things just that much better. It will cloud over a bit later. Temperatures were sitting at 14.2 C | 57.56 F. It will warm up considerably as the day progresses. Hard to beat this weather. It is a touch windy but that is what Nature is all about, as she eliminates the leaves from the trees and removes the dead branches. Her way of cleaning things up. At least on her part. For us humans we then have to pick up her mess. LOL Yesterday I worked on the old Mill my wife and I created years ago. Bringing it back to life. It’s just about finished and will then position it out near the end of our driveway for all to see. Looks pretty nice if I do say so myself. I will take a picture of it and add it to the blog once all set up. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will see how the day progresses. GW

Fishing Times


Good Times
5:00 PM-7:30PM
Slow Times
12:00 PM-2:00 PM

Fishing won’t be the greatest once again today. I give it a 2-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Good luck and stay safe.

Hunting Times


Good Times
12:00 PM- 3:00 PM
Slow Times

7:00 PM- 8:30 PM

Hunting should be pretty good today. I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5. Good Luck and stay safe.

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