It’s a cloudy morning for us here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Since yesterday we had around another 6-8 inches of snow, and we could see a few flurries continuing on this morning. We could also see some sunshine later on today and lots of sunshine tomorrow, but it will get a lot colder. So I would think today would be the day to clean up the driveway while it is a wee bit warmer with temperatures at the moment sitting at -13.2 C | 8.24 F. We are having more flurries at the moment. Winds are coming in from the North East which will make things feel a touch cooler than they really are. This morning I will keep busy cleaning the driveway and decks. This afternoon I will see how I feel. Just never know when you get my age. LOL With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and a bite to eat. Have a good day and dress warm if out on them snowmobiles.