Morning Report January 31/2020

It’s a cloudy day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. But if things goes to plan we should see a wee bit of sunshine as the day progresses. On the good side of the coin temperatures will warm up some today. At the time of this post they were sitting at -7.4 C | 18.68 F a touch cool but not so bad. Highway 522 is bare and dry throughout which will make travelling good. No snow overnight but, we could see a bit of snow later on this afternoon and into tonight. On my bird feeder report, about the only ones visiting these days are the blue jays and morning doves along with some little guys. The strange thing is we have seen Robins now for the past two weeks. Actually we seen one Robin sitting in the tree by our store on the first day of January. Kind of tells me that things are changing with our climate. I think too with the earth shifting a bit each year, it might mess up the birds fight patterns. Anyways … I am off for my morning cup of coffee and put a piece of wood in the wood furnace. When the wood furnace is going you would think your in Florida its so warm. Nice to have though, especially in this country. Have a good day. GW

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