Morning report Feb 13/2020

Good morning. Once again we are in the midst of some clouds. Temperatures were a bit cool waking up sitting at -18.6 C | -1.48 F. It won’t get much warmer throughout the day, and tonight will be one of the coldest yet this year. So it might pay to keep an extra blanket close by. With this wood heat at our home there is no fear of being cold that’s for sure. It will warm up some starting Satruday. Highway 522 is snow covered with icy sections throughout. I would suggest you stay home today and wait for better road conditions. For my wife and I we like them sunny days for making the trip to town. Makes things nicer, even though we have seen it many times LOL We didn’t have any snow overnight to speak of which is fine with me as I have lots to do here in the house. And I don’t care much for this really cold weather. So with that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will let the day unfold around me. Have a good one. GW

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