Morning Report March 21/2020

Good morning. Well other than it being darn cold outside this morning with temperatures sitting at -15.4 C | 4.28 F, its a pretty good looking day here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We did have some snow overnight, about one inch. Highway 522 is bare for most parts, but there are some icy sections throughout. It should melt as soon as this sun starts to throw off some warmth. It will warm up as the day moves forward and even warmer tomorrow with more sunshine. That’s what I like to see. My son down in St. Catharines said it was +17 down there, which is nice for sure. He opened all his windows and aired out the house as they have been having so much sickness in their area. So on another note … how are you folks doing? I hope you are taking the precautions that is necessary to keep you and your family safe. Distancing is one of the best. In some areas it doesn’t seem necessary but it is. We all have to do our part…. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee and will see what mischief I can get myself into. I do have a new Podcast almost ready, so maybe will finish that. While on the subject of my Podcasts, I would like to thank all those that have gotten in touch with me saying how much they are enjoying them. Finally. Every day I get out of bed, I say … We are one day closer to finding something that can help with this virus. I find for me, a positive mind helps a lot. Take care of yourselves my friends. Things will work out.

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