Morning Report May 10/2020

Good Morning. Well we are having some sunshine here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada at the moment. It is a touch cool though with temperatures sitting at 0.2 C | 32.36 F. It will warm up some as the day moves forward. But we do still have some snow laying around yet which I suspect will pretty well be all gone by tonight. That is … if the sun stays with us. Highway 522 is bare and dry which is nice. Not to much traffic which is good. But then again it is Sunday. The grass is greening up nicely though and in some areas close to the house I might have to cut it a bit. We have a little cove on one side of our house out of the wind and things. Great place to sit as it is always warm there and that is where the grass grows this time of year. It’s nice sitting out there in the early morning hours with a hot cup of fresh perked coffee. Today I will work away on another Podcast for Friday, which should take most of the day. Keeps my mind busy and makes me feel like I did something productive. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will let the day unfold around me. Take care, stay home and be safe. GW

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