Morning report May 19/2020

Good Morning!! It looks like a really nice day is shaping up for us here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. There are a few clouds at the moment but they should clear out of our area later on this morning making way for lots of sunshine. Tomorrow will be even better. Temperatures were sitting at 9.7 C | 49.46 F and will warm up a lot more as the day progresses. Highway 522 is quiet with a few cars moving East To West these days. But I am thinking most folks are staying home. The hype you hear on the news these days and on social media usually comes from the 20% that likes to stir up things. They are the ones that try their hardest to change folks opinion on things. To me groups separate people. Which in turn causes a lot of issues. But in saying that most folks are doing what is right, staying home taking precautions and looking after themselves and family. Kind of makes me feel good knowing that. The thing we have to do is listen to our own instincts and not what others think or do. But you all know that right? LOL On another note yesterday I did manage to get my lawn cut and I also rototilled up my vegetable garden in the areas that were too wet. Worked up great. I then got busy and planted most of my veggies. I still have to plant my tomatoes which I will do in a day or so. I also cut my lawn for the first time yesterday which makes things look pretty nice around our home. The Black flies though are starting which will make things not so nice for the next few weeks. But I do have a lot of things to do in my shop and store that I want to do, which will keep me away from them blood sucking parasites. The nice thing these days is that we can now open all our windows in the house, that is if you have screens lol, and I don’t have to burn anymore wood. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will then see what mischief I can get myself into. At least that is what my wife says. LOL Have a great day, stay safe and take the preventative measures needed to stay healthy. GW

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