Good Morning! We are in the midst of a lot of clouds this morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We had a good rain yesterday afternoon and through the night off and on. Which was needed as things were pretty dry. My gardens are liking it a lot. It seems no matter how much you water Mother Nature does it better. Amazing. Highway 522 is starting to get busy but it is still early. Yesterday before the rain I manged to half mow my grass around the house. Not an easy chore with them Black Flies. This year they are really bad in certain areas, the worse I have seen it in fifteen years. But the good thing is other than cutting the grass once a week We don’t have to be among them. The rain sure made the leaves come out and green up which makes things nice. More privacy. Today I will do some work in the basement cleaning and things I headed that way yesterday but didn’t make it. That’s the joy of being retired you do what you want when you want. I am liking it a lot. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will then see how things go. Just never know. Take care and stay safe. GW