Morning report June 9/2020

Good Morning!. Things are looking mighty nice for us here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada this morning. The sun his burning off the moisture in the air and I have to say with the shadows from the trees laying across the grass it sure looks nice. Makes a fellow want to do nothing but sit and enjoy it. Highway522 is slow this morning as it always is this time of day, but it will pick up as the day moves forward. Temperatures this morning were sitting at 14.9 C | 58.82 F warmer than yesterday morning. We didn’t need the furnace on. It will warm up a lot as the day progresses. On another note I did get a lot of outside work done yesterday. Painted two of my decks and today will paint the two outside doors. Once all said and done should be looking good around here. The black-flies weren’t bad at all yesterday, and the mosquitoes stayed away too. The only place they bothered me was in my shop. They seem to like to get in where it is darker out of the sun. But I did notice a few deer flies making an appearance. Them things are really annoying, as they just don’t let you alone no matter what you do. LOL Joys of summer in the north. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and then will get to work. Have a great day and stay safe. The virus hasn’t left us it’s still there as it has been. Don’t let this opening up of business’s and places fool you.

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