Morning Report July 29/2020

Good Morning! So how you all doing this morning? Good I hope. Ruth and I are good here so far. Taking precautions when necessary and staying home. Actually not much has changed in the way of doing things. Other than wearing a mask when out, washing things down after buying something and distancing from folks, which is hard when some don’t give a dam. Temperatures have cooled down some which is nice. Makes things better for working outside. A little cooler would be nice as then we could open all our windows in the house. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 19.4 C | 66.92 F. It will warm up later on in the day with a slight chance of a shower a bit later this morning. On another note I did put in a full day yesterday working in our new to be cottage. Sometimes you get into one thing, and others start to pop up and you figure well might as well do that too. LOL But we are in no hurry. Got all summer and winter if necessary to make things nice. The grass now is growing once again, so more mowing will be needed in the coming days. Veggie gardens are producing well, and we now are eating some really nice Red Potatoes and lots of cucumbers, lettuce and onions. Won’t be long, and we will be having Tomato sandwiches. I’d say about two weeks for them to get to where they are sweet and tasty. With that I am off to the front porch for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right. I know … I keep on saying that, but truth be told there are a lot out there that don’t seem to give a dam … for themselves or others. LOL Have a great day….

Fishing Times:

Major Times
7:00 AM-11:00 AM
Minor Times
4:00 PM-7:00 PM

Today my old weather stick is saying that fishing will be fair I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. Winds are coming in from the West North West. Take care and good luck! I want to see fish on your table for supper!

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