Morning Report Aug 23/2020

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We should see a wee bit of sun this morning, but things will cloud up later on this afternoon once again with the threat of a thunderstorm. Tomorrow and next week will be great, other than a touch cooler than we were having. Which is okay by me, as I am not a liker of the real hot weather. In saying that … I am not a lover of the real cold weather neither LOL. Thinking about that, man times sure flies by, here we are coming into September already. I have to admit though, that my wife and I have got a lot done around the house here this summer. Which makes me smile. Highway 522 is still quite busy but slowing down somewhat. Which is a good thing. Today I will take it a bit easy … not because it is Sunday, as every day is the same to me. It’s just we have been so busy the past few weeks my old body is telling me to slow down a bit. LOL. On another note, I have noticed the bugs haven’t been as bad this year which makes it nice for working outside. Now that I said that watch them return. Sheesh, never fails. My wife always says to me. “George never talk negative as if you do that is what occurs.” I am not exactly sure about that saying, but thinking about my past experiences over the years … I would say she is correct in part. LOL With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and if the sun comes out we will do some front porch sittin’. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right when it comes to this virus.

Fishing Times:

Major Times
5:00 PM-8:00 PM
Minor Times
11:00 AM-1:00 PM
3:00 PM-4:00 PM

Today my old weather stick is saying that fishing should be pretty good. I give it a 4-Star Rating out of 5 for catching a few. If you happen by an old log or dead tree hanging out from shore, try your luck with a popper around it. I got a feeling there is an old Large Mouth Bass hanging out there. Winds are light this morning coming in from the South, South West. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 18.1 C | 64.58 F. Good luck and don’t forget your rain coat if out on the water today. Stay safe!!

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