Morning slice OF LIFE Oct 13/2020

Good Morning! I hope you all are well and had a great Thanksgiving. For my wife and I we are having our Thanksgiving today as yesterday we had a lot of work to be done in the old woodworking shop. Today I will continue on with things but my wife will be making a nice turkey dinner with all the trimmings and homemade cherry pie made from Montmorency Cherries for desert. They are sour so a touch of sugar has to be added. But in saying that, there isn’t any cherries better than them for making pies. We used to grow them many years ago when we had our farms in Niagara. Along with a lot of other things. Today highway 522 is quiet but there has been a lot of campers coming into our area. I suspect it because hunting season is upon us. Good to see folks out and about doing what they love. The good thing is they should be able to keep their distance being out in the bush. LOL Let’s hope they do just that. The weather here in Port Loring, Ontario Canada was really nice yesterday and I suspect once this rain moves through we should be seeing some more of the same for today. Which will make our Thanksgiving Day just that much better. Our boys are staying at their home this year not venturing to our place. We feel it is best to stay apart for the time being with them living in other cities. The crazy part is a lot aren’t doing that, with taking a chance. Also, one contributor to spreading this virus is those that goes to church. Right now in my mind they should stay home. What ever they do there … they can do at home. And hey! It’s not forever. But to each, their own I say. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife and will then get to work. GW

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