Good Morning Oct 26/2020

Good Morning! It’s a cold morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. Temperatures waking up were sitting at 0 C | 32 F. It won’t warm up much more than it is now. And it will remain cloudy for most of the day with the possibility of some light flurries. Actually we did have some through the night, but nothing that is staying on the ground. Highway 522 is bare and dry with a few cars and trucks moving from East to West. Where are they going? Your guess is as good as mine. LOL. Hunting season for deer is closing in on us being the first two weeks of November, so I suspect we will have a few more coming into our area in a week or so. Yesterday I took it a bit easy as my old back is acting up, and I will probably be doing the same today. Seems it happens every year about this time. Crazy weather causes all kinds of things to take place. On another note we are burning some oil these days to keep our home warm. It’s not cold enough to burn wood yet, but I suspect it won’t be long before we light it up. The oil is nice as you just set the temperature to what you want and that’s all that is needed. Where wood you have to keep an eye on it and feed it constantly. Not that I mine though as it gives me something to do and keeps me fit going up and down the stairs into the basement. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, do some chatting, and then we will see what takes place. You never know what can happen throughout a day. Stay safe and do what’s right as I see now we are over the 1000 a day being infected here in Ontario. Sad to see as we could cut that in half if folks would just wear a mask and stop going to places like restaurants, churches, visiting and places like that. I am beginning to lose my faith in some human’s. At any rate not much we can do other than set a … good example and look after ourselves and family. GW

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