Morning Chat Dec 2/2020

Good Morning! It’s quite a change, weather wise here in Port Loring Ontario, Canada. Yesterday windy with heavy snow, and today sunshine. But it is much cooler with the temperature sitting at -8 C | 17.6 F. The sun should remain with is for most of the day. Over all, we had around a foot of snow in the past two days. Kind of pretty out there this morning. It’s amazing how Mother Nature can be so miserable, and then become so nice. I guess it is something like us humans in one respect. Crazy mixed up world we live in. Highway 522 is snow covered and I suspect will remain that way for most the day. More snow is on the way for late Thursday and Friday around another 2 inches or so. With that I am off for my morning cup of tea and a bite to eat, and then will see what the day has in store. Other than moving snow that is. Take care and stay safe.

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