Morning Chat Jan 18/2021

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. We should see some sunshine for a while, but then clouds will enter into the picture. It is cool this morning with temperatures sitting at -14.6 C | 5.72 F. It will warm up a few degrees as the day moves forward. Not much though. Highway 522 is partially snow covered with some icy sections throughout. Not that you should be going anywhere, unless you are in need of some groceries or things of importance. Which actually is what my wife and I did yesterday, as we had to go to North Bay to pick up our groceries we ordered online. I have to say it wasn’t the greatest ride in with the snow we had the night before, but on the way home the roads cleared up somewhat, which made things a lot nicer. We even had some sunshine thrown into our adventure for good measure. I have to say it sure looked pretty with all the snow on the trees. I would say we had around another 6 inches or so to add to the 8 – 10 inches we have now on the ground. While there we dropped off some things to our son in his parking lot. Chatted a bit with our masks on keeping our distance, and then headed on home stopping off in a parking lot to have our lunch. There we sat, chatted to each other and watched what others were doing. In other words being a bit nosey LOL. After that we headed on home taking in what nature had to offer. Once home my wife put things away and for the rest of the day we took it easy. It’s a full day to go to North Bay and back when all said and done. Nice though as it gets us out away from things for a few hours. Today we will clean up the snow we had the day before yesterday, and then I am thinking a rest will be in order. Kind of anxious to see how my snowblower works, it is only a couple of years old, but the reverse didn’t work worth a dam, so I finally decided last week to take it apart and see what was going on. All I could see was that it needed a bit of lubricant which I applied. Seems to work fine now, but … I haven’t tried it out in some snow yet. With that I am off for my morning cup of coffee with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store. You just never know. Take care, stay safe and do what’s right as this virus is getting much worse.

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