Morning Chat March 9/2021

Good Morning! For a change we are having some sunshine here in Port Loring, Ontario this morning. The temperature at the time of this post was a touch cool sitting at -2.9 C | 26.78 F. But it is about to warm up substantially in an hour or so. Which will sure be nice. I have to admit my wife and I are looking forward to it. Highway 522 is bare and almost dry this morning with no snow overnight. The snow we do have has been melting in spite of the cold nights, as you can see the snow dropping every day. It melts from underneath and around the trees at first, then when it warms up it really gets going. Today and tomorrow should get rid of a pile, and if we get some warm rain, that will help even more. Yesterday I took it easy and will do the same again today. I guess my old body needs a rest, or so it feels. I think I will work on another podcast that I have in the works. I will see how things are going in a bit. With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal with my lovely wife, and will then see what the day has in store. Life’s a mystery. Take care and stay safe. GW

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