Morning Chat March 23/2021

Good Morning! We are having a few clouds this morning, but we should see some sunshine a bit later on this morning. Tomorrow however things will begin to change weather wise, with the temperatures slowly dropping. Friday we could have an ice storm, if the system stays on track. Let’s hope it moves south a wee bit, so it misses us. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning making travelling pretty good. There are lots of deer alongside and crossing the highway these days, so extra care should be taken. The reason for this is that they are coming out of the bush, so they can soak up some sunshine, along with nibbling at the green grass alongside the highways that is starting to show itself. It’s kind of a treat for them. On Another note I did do a bit of work in the woodworking shop yesterday working on a cabinet I started awhile back. It was actually quite nice out there, with the sun shinning in through the door. I didn’t even need to light the shop stove. Today I am thinking of putting up a new clothes line for my lovely wife. I will see how it goes. She has been asking me to replace the one we do have as it is getting a bit shabby after 16 years. With that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store, other than what I want to do. You just never know. Take care and stay safe. The numbers are getting worse here every day in Ontario with this virus. Also, more are dying from it too, and the new variants are starting to pick on the younger folks a lot more. What’s happening is that, we now face a new virus, of the same kind, but with very different characteristics,” More deadly, more infectious, and infectious for longer.”

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