Morning Chat March 29/2021

Good Morning! It’s a really nice day here in Port Loring, Ontario. Other than the 2 inches of snow we had overnight. But the sun is shinning, which makes things at the very least look nice outside. Highway 522 is mostly bare, but there are some icy sections here and there. Yesterday was a heck of a day, rain for most of the day, changing to ice, and then to snow through the night. Winter isn’t done with us yet. But the long range is looking a lot better, once we get past Wednesday of this week. On another note, I didn’t do too much yesterday, kind of took it easy. I finished up another podcast and will start another today, being it is such a cold snowy day. With that I am off for my breakfast with my lovely wife and will then see what the day has in store. Take care and stay safe. This virus is getting much worse here in Ontario. Well over 2000 a day now, with around 10-20 dying every day. Caused by opening things back up and some not doing what they should be doing. Simple as that. It all boils down to money in my eyes. It is the ruling figure these days.

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