Morning Chat April 9/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring Ontario. But it is spring, and some cloudy rainy days are to be expected. It has though been quite warm, with temperatures reaching up to 23C/73F throughout the day. Today will remain warm with a few showers thrown in for good measure. Tomorrow will be a gorgeous day, with plenty of sunshine. My old Dad used to say that some old fashion things like fresh air and sunshine can’t be beat. Highway 522 is bare and dry this morning, so far, but with things being closed down and warnings to stay at home, and inside, no one should be travelling anyways. Unless you are in need of some groceries or medical supplies. For my wife and I, we are pretty well set, so there isn’t any reason for us to be going anywhere. On another note, we did get a lot of outside work done around the place for the past few days which is the reason why I didn’t get to doing my morning chat. Today we will be watching The Masters Golf Tournament. Which my wife and sure enjoy. I have to say, that I don’t think there is another golf course that I know of, that looks so beautiful. Seeing all the flowers and trees out in full bloom, is sure something to see. We enjoy looking at them as much as we do watching the game. Well … maybe not quite. LOL With that I am off for my morning bowl of oatmeal with my lovely wife and will then let the day do as it so chooses. Not that I could do anything about it anyways. Life is like a mystery novel, you just never know what is going to happen until you turn the next page. Such is life. Have a great day these new variants here in Ontario are running rampant these days with over 3000 a day now entering into the picture along with a lot of deaths. It’s no use helping it along. Stay safe!

UPDATE!! Ontario records more than 4,200 new COVID-19 cases, 2nd highest daily count ever.

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