Good Morning!. It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature climbing out of bed this morning was sitting at 14.7 C | 58.46 F. These temperatures will continue for most of the week. We will also see some rain entering into our area later on this afternoon, and will continue to rain off and on, right up until Thursday. After that mess is out of the way we should see some sunshine, but it will remain cool for the next two weeks. Not much we can do about it. Early in my life on the farm, I was taught to take advantage of the nice days, which my wife and I have been doing here where we live now. Then on the not so good days I get busy and do other things that need doing inside or in my woodworking shop. I keep on calling it my woodworking shop, but truth be told I do a lot more in there than just woodworking. I have to admit it is nice having a place, to do these things. It has saved us a lot of money over the years, with being able to do these things myself. On another note my wife and I went to North Bay yesterday to pick up our groceries that we order online. We also dropped off some goodies and things for our son at his apartment. We don’t go inside we chat in his parking lot and then on the phone on our way home. Furthermore, we don’t go to any restaurants or stores which keeps us busy. Most of all the other things we need, we can buy right here in town. And right now our own small community needs all the help it can get. I know as with our small store being closed for over a year now my wife and I sure notice the difference. But not much we can do about it other than take care of ourselves. I suspect we will be dealing with this for a few more years. There were 3,813 new cases Saturday, and I am sure it will rise even more in the coming days. If we all do what we should be doing like staying home the numbers should start to drop within a week or so. The trouble is, as soon as the numbers drop, they start to open things back up, which accelerates things once again. It seems a lot of us humans are a brute for punishment. I seriously believe, and I hate to say this, that the only way that some, not all mind ya, the only way they will take this serious is when a loved one becomes infected, gets very sick, or ? Anyways … that is my rant for this morning. With that, I am going to enjoy a couple pancakes with an egg, topped off with our local Maple Syrup which came from my friend Mike Clapperton. You can’t beat his Syrup let me tell ya. Nice fellow. Take care and stay safe.