Morning Chat April 18/2021

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy cool morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 3.9 C | 39.02 F. We should see some sunshine a bit later on this morning. Which would be nice. It was a beauty of a day yesterday. There is also a chance of some snow on Wednesday of this week. But even if we get a bit, it won’t last long, as warmer temperatures are to follow. Highway 522 has been quiet these days, with mostly locals moving around. Which is to be expected with the lock-down that is in place for all of Ontario. As bad as it is, shutting down is the only defence we have in slowing this virus down. Yesterday we were well above the 4000, and it is rising daily with these new variants. The worst part is these new variants spread and kill faster. Even in the young. But the vaccines are coming, finally, so lets hope it gets things under control. The closing down should start to ease off the cases within a week, that is if we all do what we should be doing. I suspect we will be dealing with this for a few years to come. So knowing that, the only solution we humans have, is to change our ways, and adapt, instead of sitting back complaining about things. Our forefathers had to do it, and now we have to do it. And one last word about these protesters and things. I don’t worry or think about them any more really. The old saying which is true is… Give them enough rope, and they will hang themselves. It’s been that way from the beginning of time. Actually, truth be told, everything they are doing, is really defeating all they are trying to do. With that bit of info under your hat, for what it’s worth, I am off for a bowl of oatmeal with my lovely wife, and will then get some work done outside that I have lined up. We try and make the best of every day. Take care my friends and stay safe. GW

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