Morning Chat April 25/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy, cool rainy day here for us here in Port Loring Ontario, Canada. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 3.6 C | 38.48 F. It won’t warm up much more today. However, in saying that … things will start to get much warmer starting tomorrow and continue the trend towards summer from now on. Taking a close look at things, I suspect that our summer this year will be hazy, somewhat warmer than normal, humid and dry for most parts. Which will make for a nice summer, that is if you like the warm temperatures. I do myself other than at nights when going to bed. The good part about that is, that our bedrooms are on the north side of our home, which is shaded with lots of tall pines. Put them together with lots of windows things are pretty comfortable for us in the evening hours. On another note yesterday was sure a nice day. My wife and I did get some front porch sitting in, after lunch enjoying a nice cup of fresh perked coffee. Today being so wet and cool I am thinking I will work on a few new stories I have in my mind for my newspaper columns and magazines, that I have been writing for, for years. I like to get a few lined up, so I don’t have to be inside the house when the nice weather arrives. And we do have lots to do this year finishing up our cottage to be. It should be ready for our family members and friends mid-summer. I hope LOL. The thing is I never know what a day might bring. Some days my wife and I head off in one direction, and end up at the opposite end of things. Life is a mystery. And you know … I like it that way. With that bit of info under your hat I am off for a bowl of cereal with my lovely wife, and will then see what happens. Take care and stay safe. We are getting a lot more infections here in Ontario with this virus. Yesterday we were crowding the 4500 mark with over 20 that had died. I feel for those that have had to go through this. Especially when a lot of these deaths and infections could have been prevented. I can’t understand for the life of me, why some humans never learn, or want to learn, or don’t learn from previous happenings. GW

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