Good Morning! It’s a rainy cool morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature waking up was sitting at 2.3 C | 36.14 F. It will remain cool and wet for most of the day. There is a possibility of the sun making an appearance later on, but I suspect we will have to wait till tomorrow. The good news is that starting tomorrow weather wise, things will take a major change with lots of sunshine and warmer temperatures entering into the picture. Summer weather is heading our way. On another note, the Black Flies are starting to annoy us humans. It never fails they are here from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day. And this year they made their appearance right on time. Yesterday being so wet I worked in my woodworking shop cleaning up the mess I made over the past two weeks. Today I will get things together that I will be needing to build a smaller lean too for my wood outback of my house. I figure it should be big enough to hold around 3 or 4 cords. It will make things a lot easier to get at the firewood come winter. After that I will work on a story or two for my columns in the Newspapers I write for. I like to get them done, so I don’t have to be inside when the nice weather is upon us. With that … I guess I will go for my morning bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store. You just never know. Take care and stay safe. GW