Morning Chat May 23/2021

Good Morning! It’s another cloudy, damp, cool morning here in Port Loring, Ontario. The temperature waking up was sitting at 8.7 C | 47.66 F. It will warm up a wee bit as the day moves forward. The blackflies are still quite bad in certain areas, along with them pesky mosquitoes. Highway 522 is busy these days with lots of campers and things moving up and down the highway. Used to be … I could go to the Hardware store and know everyone that I happened upon. Nowadays, I don’t know half of them. Sign of the times I guess. Reason being, that a lot of people from the big cities are seeing the light, selling, and moving to the country, caused by this virus. I can’t say I blame them. It is also amazing how much the prices of homes have risen here in our area. Truth be told … it is getting hard to find properties for sale any more. Everything has been bought up. Even the vacant land is selling fast these days, with folks putting trailers and mobile homes on them. On another note, our firewood was delivered a couple of days ago, and my wife and I decided to get to work and pile it before it got wet with this rain we have been having. It got a wee bit wet on a few pieces, nothing to be concerned about. We had it all piled under our old lean-to in one and a half days. Not bad for an old feller and a hardworking woman. They call that Team Work! We do everything together. Today I might do some outside work if the weather clears and warms up some. I will see how that goes. This damp cool weather plays havoc on these old bones of mine. LOL But I keep moving. The worst thing us older folks can do is to sit and do nothing. With that I am off for a bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store. You never know what a day might bring ya. Take care and stay safe. Things are still quite bad out there. GW

Click on Picture Below to Enlarge. Have a great day!

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