Morning Chat June 1/2021

Good Morning! Well here it is the first of June. Man, time sure fly’s by. I am not sure why that is, as some days things move fast and then other days I wonder if they will ever end. I guess it is all in how you look at things. Not that I am complaining mind ya. Highway 522 is still busy these days with lots of travellers in our midst. The weather has been nice too, with the temperature this morning sitting at 11.8 C | 53.24 F. It will warm up a lot more as the day moves forward, and this weekend it could get down right hot. I might have to get my old fan out of winters storage. On another note, being so dry, which is hard to believe, I have been watering my vegetable gardens daily. The grass is also slowing down, which is okay by me. Yesterday we worked all day on our shower house out back near our cottage to be. It is turning out nice, and we did manage to get the roof shingled. Today I will hang a cedar door I have had lying around for the past ten years, or more. I can’t remember where I picked it up, but I did, and I finally found a home for it. So you see … it does pay to hang onto a few things. I have to admit I hang onto a lot of things. My problem is. I know I have something, but I have trouble finding it. LOL Hanging doors isn’t my favourite job, but it has to be done. The good part is the door didn’t cost me a cent. With that, take care and stay safe. And have a great day. GW

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