Morning Chat July 31/2021

Good Morning! It’s a cloudy morning here in Port Loring, Ontario, Canada. The temperature getting out of bed was sitting at 14 C | 57.2 F. It will warm up a touch later on, but we could get some showers later on this afternoon. So this morning is the time to get some outside work done. That is, if you have any to do. Highway 522 was really busy yesterday with cars, trucks, campers, you name it moving into our area. It is the long weekend for most. The weather will get warmer as the week progresses. Actually, it will become quite nice for the next week or so. Almost perfect weather. There is no reason for anyone to complain about the weather up here where I live this year. Lots of rain, hardly no smoke from the forest fires, just a good all around year. Another thing is the trees and plants have greened up a lot over the past two years. I think with all us humans staying home, it gave them time to heal, as we have sure caused them a lot of grief over the years. Most folks today just take Mother Nature for granted. The thing is we couldn’t live without her. But it just goes to show you the mentality of some humans. On another note, I did manage to get my mowing done up yesterday. Took me awhile longer than it usually does, as I told my lovely wife to stay inside off her sore leg. Which she did. But in saying that, she didn’t just sit around. As she worked on her painting orders which at the moment are many. People from all over keep coming in wanting to buy her paintings along with wanting signs and things. Right now, she has orders lined up for the next two months or more. She is a fantastic artist, and I am not just saying that. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. As they used to say. LOL And her pudding is her creations. Today I am going to run a high speed underground cable into our cottage from our house, so who ever stays there will have high speed Internet. That is, if it doesn’t rain. With all the rain we have had, the ground will be easier to dig. So with that I am off for my morning bowl of cereal and will then see what the day has in store, other than what I have planned. Life is like a good mystery novel. You never know what is going to happen on the next page. Take care and stay safe and do what’s right. GW

PS, I guess my outside is going to have to wait as it is raining now. Such is life.

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